Come join Dr. Rabindra Watson, Gastroenterologist and Director of Bariatric and Interventional Endoscopy at UCSF & CPMC and Kristi Nakayama, Reiki Master of Nori Reiki, to unravel the mysteries of the mind-gut connection. Dr. Watson and Kristi will talk about how mental health, negative self-talk and limiting beliefs impact your mood, gut health, and even the choices you make. They'll dive into how breakthroughs in your gut health and management of GI diseases can occur when you first attend to your thoughts, mental health, and connection to spirituality. You'll learn about what the energetic body is and how your thoughts, emotions and traumas that get stored in your energetic body can impact your energetic health and gut health. To close, you'll be led through a guided meditation + Reiki and visualization to promote deep relaxation and help open blockages to promote an optimal healing environment within your body.
Dr Watson is the Director of Bariatric Endoscopy of the Interventional Endoscopy Services department at California Pacific Medical Center. He is recognized nationally as a leader in bariatric endoscopy and is passionate about helping patients achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. He is active in the development and testing of novel therapeutic endoscopic techniques which include primary endoscopic therapies for obesity, endoscopic treatment of weight regain following bariatric surgery, and treatment of post-surgical complications. He is recognized as a key opinion leader in interventional endoscopy and has lectured throughout the country and internationally, and has served as a consultant to several start ups and leading device technology companies.
Dr Watson’s additional interests include the interplay between the mind, gut and health. He recognizes the critical role our guts and microbiome play in health and chronic disease, and believes the gut in central to our sense of well-being. Raised as a Buddhist and an avid meditator, he is passionate about educating patients on the importance of caring for our minds and bodies through mindfulness-based stress reduction practices and adoption of a gut friendly diet centered on whole plant based foods.
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